How long do I have to wait for the body oil to be absorbed?

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Discover how to use your body oil correctly

It depends on the oil and how comedogenic or non-comedogenic the oil is that you use.

Our oil blends are designed to restore the skin's natural balance. This is why only Base Oil III with macadamia nut and avocado oil, which nourishes and pampers skin prone to dryness, is somewhat slower to absorb. Jojoba oil base I and almond-raspberry seed hemp oil base II are absorbed well and relatively quickly.

It is particularly helpful when the skin is still a little damp. We like to make it a ritual to brush and oil our skin after a shower and then give it time to absorb the oil. In the meantime, simply make your bed naked, brush your teeth or whatever else you can think of ☺.

Our body oils

yuzu öl japanische Zitrone Detox Hautöl hochwertiges Körperöl Bindegewebe stärken oelfaktorisch Körperöle
hochwertiges Körperöl bio Rosenduft ab heute bin ich nett zu mir  cosy rose oelfaktorisch Körperöle
hochwertiges Körperöl sinnlich natürliche Hautpflege oelfaktorisch Körperöle

Does body oil stain your clothing?

Body oil is like cooking oil. A drop of pure oil is naturally visible on clothing. However, once it has been absorbed into the skin, it will not stain, just like your natural skin oils. Colored silk fabrics are the most sensitive. Here it is important that your body oil is really absorbed.

Natürliches Pflegeöl Himbeer Bio hochwertige Hautpflege oelfaktorisch Körperöle

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