What is the difference between fatty and essential oils?


Fatty oils - Pure care oils

Fatty oils are generally pressed from the kernels, seeds or nuts of plants, such as hemp oil, almond oil or rosehip seed oil.

They all have a strong nourishing effect on the skin and hair and, if cold-pressed and of organic quality, are a treasure trove of minerals and vitamins with a wide range of effects. They can be applied undiluted to the skin and often serve as a "carrier" for the valuable fragrance essences of the essential oils.

Our fatty oils

Natürliches Pflegeöl Himbeer Bio hochwertige Hautpflege oelfaktorisch Körperöle

Pure natural essential oils

Essential oils, on the other hand, are highly concentrated substances that exert their effect both aromatherapeutically via the nose and, as has now been scientifically proven, via the skin.

They are contained in the plant's leaves, flowers, twigs and bark and are distilled in various ways. Essential oils are not fats in the true sense of the word, but are highly volatile and evaporate quickly.

They give the fatty oils a wonderful fragrance that unfolds its numerous effects via the olfactory sense - be it relaxing, stimulating, concentration-enhancing, aphrodisiac, cell-regenerating, anti-inflammatory, circulation-enhancing and much more.

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