Orange ätherisches Öl Bio Wissen Blog ölfaktorisch Körperöle


The classic of room fragrances


The orange's German name already reveals its Asian origin. “Orange” means “apple from China (sina)”. The origin is actually in the region between India and China. It was already cultivated in China several thousand years ago. Especially in the Xia Dynasty, it was reserved for the emperor and his family. It was not until the 15th century that Portuguese seafarers brought the sweet fruit to Europe. Today it is grown in all Mediterranean countries.

The orange is a cross between a tangerine and a grapefruit. The more bitter the orange, the greater the genetic content of the grapefruit. And the sweeter it tastes, the stronger the tangerine influence. Like all citrus fruits, oranges cannot ripen. The color of the peel also does not indicate the degree of ripeness. Green oranges can already taste sweet as sugar. Only a temperature below 12.5 degrees, the average temperature in winter in southern Europe, ensures the orange color of the fruit.


mode of action

Orange oil is one of the most popular essential oils. About 20,000 tons are extracted annually. The typical orange scent is not caused by the limonene substances that the oil mainly contains, but by a very small amount of the very intensive scent sesquiterpenaldehyde α-sinesal. The oil has an uplifting and relaxing effect. It promotes concentration and relieves stress. It is also antiseptic and anti-inflammatory and strengthens the immune system. 


Application to aromatherapy

Orange oil is mainly used for room scenting. It mixes well with all other essential oils. The fruity-fresh scent relieves nausea and vomiting, whether you are travelling, pregnant or during chemotherapy. In winter, the oil helps against colds. In 2021, the orange was the scented plant of the year.



application on the skin

Orange oil is often used in the manufacture of skin creams. It works against cellulite because the oil strengthens the tissue. However, only fresh oil (not older than 6 months) should be used when making your own creams. The oil oxidizes easily and can cause skin irritation. Use no more than 5 drops for a soothing hot bath.




A notice:
Please never use essential oils pure, but only mix a few drops of them into a fatty oil so that the recommended number of drops is not exceeded. Other possible uses of an essential oil are, of course, fragrance lamps, nebulizers, diffusers or simply a handkerchief as a carrier material for room scenting, so that the oil can be absorbed through your respiratory tract. Essential oils are the potent essence of a plant, so always be aware of their potency. Essential oils are not suitable for children under 3 years of age.



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