What is the shelf life of fatty and essential oils?

Things to know about the shelf life of natural oils
First of all: Our care and body oils are pure natural products that cannot be strictly standardized. For this reason, there are some indications as to shelf life, but these may vary - always trust your sense of smell.
The shelf life of essential oils and oil blends depends on the ingredients as well as correct storage.
The shelf life of essential oils ranges from months to years. Citrus fragrances, for example, are among the most sensitive aromas: mandarin, orange or yuzu oil should be used up within about six months if possible, as these aromas evaporate quickly or become rancid.
Strong fragrances such as rose, sandalwood or benzoin, on the other hand, mature over time and even develop a fuller aroma the longer they are stored. The quality of these oils can sometimes withstand a storage period of up to 15 years and even improve.
Our essential oils
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