The flower of flowers
Once inhaled, the sweet, sensual scent of the yellow flowers won't let you go. It is not without reason that Ylang Ylang is also called the flower of flowers. The tree, which is up to 20 meters high, grows in the tropical climate of Indonesia and the Philippines. In Indonesia, the large, fine flowers are often sprinkled on newlyweds when they sleep, as the scent is both aphrodisiac and calming.
mode of action
In addition to the aphrodisiac effect, Ylang Ylang relieves nervous tension and is mood-enhancing in the case of mild depression. In addition, the oil has an antibacterial, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. It can also provide relief from itching and skin blemishes, as well as from symptoms during menstruation and menopause. Since the oil can slightly lower blood pressure, it is less recommended for people with very low blood pressure.
Application to aromatherapy
You can evaporate the ylang-ylang oil pure or add it to some water. As a result, the sensual fragrance unfolds throughout the room and ensures its relaxing effect.
application on the skin
For a body massage, mix 8 drops of ylang-ylang oil in 50 ml of jojoba oil and massage gently into the body. If desired, the scalp can also be massaged with it. The oil cares for skin and hair at the same time.
A notice:
Please never use essential oils pure, but only mix a few drops of them into a fatty oil so that the recommended number of drops is not exceeded. Other possible uses of an essential oil are, of course, fragrance lamps, nebulizers, diffusers or simply a handkerchief as a carrier material for room scenting, so that the oil can be absorbed through your respiratory tract. Essential oils are the potent essence of a plant, so always be aware of their potency. Essential oils are not suitable for children under 3 years of age.
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