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Our selfcare ADVENT CALENDAR: sustainable & vegan - for more mindfulness and relaxation during the Advent season!
Our sustainable advent calendar hides its 24 vegan surprises in lovingly designed cotton bags with a delicate design. They can be knotted to the banister or the curtain rod and are therefore also an atmospheric Christmas decoration.
Our advent calendar not only contains high-quality organic self-care products such as body oils, essential aroma blends, soaps and room sprays, but also exclusive stationery products by our illustrator Julia Jacobs and two exclusive tea blends by dear Syl Gervais - author, blogger and influencer of the green lifestyle . A great addition are the application tips and inspiration that the selfcare advent calendar has in store for you every day about sustainability, care and mindfulness.
Our sustainable selfcare ADVENT CALENDAR is already in its 3rd edition and contains 11 new products this year. It is also available as an ADVENT CALENDAR refill set - if you already have a calendar and want to refill it.
Advent time is pampering time: treat yourself or your loved ones to soothing care and sensual moments with the selfcare ADVENT CALENDAR.
Weitere Informationen zur Wirkungsweise findest du in unserem Blog gleich hier
A sensual firework for the staade time!
- mystic moments Bio Körperöl in 10 ml
- rosenwasser Bio Hydrolat ohne Alkohol in 10 ml
- wildrose Bio Gesichtsöl in 5 ml
- Rosmarin-Lavendel Shampoobar
- marula Bio Gesichtsöl in 10 ml Originalgröße
- yuzu me Bio Körperöl in 10 ml
- Tee »Vata Ruhepol« Bio Kräutertee von Helena Himmelbach
- Lavendelseife Hand- und Körperseife
- handsome Plegeöl für Hände und Nägel in 10 ml Originalgröße
- Papeterie illustrierte Streichholzschachtel
- zirbe Kopfkissenspray in 10 ml
- Wildkräuter Rezeptheft von Isabel Fischer
- orange ätherisches Öl in Bioqualität in 10 ml Originalgröße
- fichtennadelöl ätherisches Öl in Bioqualität in 10 ml Originalgröße
- metamorphosis hand & fuß balsam in 10 ml
- rosa schmid Bio Pflegeöl in 10 ml
- cosy rose Bio Körperöl in 10 ml
- Tee »weichnachtlich«
- schwarze Seife Gesichtsseife in Originalgröße
- erdbeersamen Bio Gesichtsöl in 5 ml
- Pink Grapefruit Deocreme in 10 ml
- Papeterie illustrierte Anhänger
- Glühweinseife Hand- und Körperseife
- Riechstift mit ätherischer Ölmischung
Love yoursef